Berdiri megah di pinggir laut Selat Melaka, menceriakan lagi lokasi SJK(C) Chi Mang. Diibaratkan sebagai sebutir mutiara yang sentiasa bersinar menerangi kawasan sekitar. Terletak di daerah penghujung Benua Asia, disempadani pula oleh Pulau Kukup, pulau paya bakau yang terbesar di dunia. Oleh kerana lokasinya agak jauh dari bandar, sudah tentulah ia mewujudkan suasana yang lebih aman dan damai lagi mengasyikkan kepada setiap murid untuk mengikuti pembelajaran mereka. Kurniaan yang sungguh istimewa ini sudah tentu memudahkan lagi tanggungjawab setiap pendidik yang ditugaskan di sini untuk mendidik dan mengasuh murid-murid agar menjadi generasi yang berkebolehan dalam apa jua juga bidang pada masa hadapan.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Iskandar Malaysia Sustainable and Low Carbon Schools Exhibition 2015

Iskandar Malaysia Sustainable and Low Carbon Schools Exhibition 2015

UTM, Skudai

Several programs had been organized in SJKC Chi Mang in order to have a green environment. “Reuse Me” was a program related to 3R where the pupils used the waste and recyclable items such as newspapers, aluminum tins and cardboard to do handicraft. Pupils learned about the materials which can be recycled, reused and must be reduced from this program. 

“No Polystyrene Day” on every Sunday involved all the staffs in the school, teachers and pupils where polystyrene usage was replaced by the using of reusable food container. The objectives of this program were to reduce the carbon releasing to the atmosphere as well as promote awareness within the community in the school on the danger of carbon to living things.

 “Paperless Day” and “A Pupil A Plant” were programs under the aspect of sustainable development. 

The “Paperless Day” program was organized every Thursday involving the teachers and pupils. The usage of paper was minimized by replacing the worksheet with the exercises on the smart board. This program helped to build awareness on the importance of protecting the trees which played important roles in sustaining the environment. 

Each pupil was asked to plant a seedling of tree in the program of “A Pupil A Plant”. This program tended to let the pupils to lend a hand in sustaining the environment. 

Most of these programs involved the community of the school as well as those around the neighborhood especially the parents under a slogan “better earth, better us”. 

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